
Michelle Writer

Job Title Writer

Activity Details
<b>0</b> Forum Posts 0 Forum Posts RSS
<b>1</b> Blog Entries 1 Blog Entries RSS
Friends Friends
Michelle Writer has 3 friends.

This is my personal space (My Community). I have 2 public pages: Profile and Blog. Everybody can see these pages by going to but only I can modify the content in them. I can create more public pages (Add page) and add more applications to those pages in the dock menu (Add Aplication).

I also have some private pages that only I can see (my socialSpace, my workSpace and my email). In order to access them I have to go to the dock menu --> My Places --> My community --> Private Pages or go to when I am logged in.

July 23
Michelle Writer and Richard Editor are now friends.
3:08 PM
Michelle Writer and John Regular are now friends.
3:08 PM
Michelle Writer and Bruno Admin are now friends.
3:08 PM
Message Boards
Michelle Writer replied to Richard Editor's message board post, RE: About the Vix-998, in 7Cogs, Inc..
3:08 PM Go to Category
Michelle Writer wrote a new blog entry, We have an amazing Chat!.
3:08 PM
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Wall Wall
You have to be Michelle's friend to access her wall. Sign in to your account.